
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Choose one (only one), of the following health care careers to research and report on for participation in this year’s CEDAR Future of Work Student Fair Program. By clicking on each of the below health care careers, you can find information about each, which is provided by Pikeville Medical Center (PMC), that will help you choose which career to research and submit in the CEDAR Regional Fair competition;

After choosing which health care career to research, click on the button at the bottom of this page to register for participation in the CEDAR Regional Fair competition, followed by the Questionnaire which must be completed and submitted by April 22nd for eligibility in the PMC Cash Awards Program;

Since you will not be able to partially complete the on-line form and come back to it later for completion, it is highly recommended that you print off the Application and Questionnaire page to use in preparing your answers/responses before completing the on-line version for submission. This includes the section where you interview someone working in the health care career that you chose to research.

After completing the questionnaire part, click on the, “Final Reporting Instructions”, button, which is located at the end of the questionnaire, and use the provided “Report Cover Page”, as well as the, “Summary Report Outline”, when preparing your, “Project Summary Report”, which is to be placed in a clear-front presentation folder, and entered in the Regional Fair when registering your CEDAR project on May 14th.


MARCH 18th - CEDAR provides School Coordinators with their allocation of the number of projects, by category and grade-level, that are invited to participate in the Regional FWA Fair. All students advancing to the Regional FWA Fair automatically qualifies, and are invited for participation in the Health Care Careers Fair program;

APRIL 22nd - Due date to submit the on-line Student Application/Questionnaire for the Health Care Careers program;

May 11th/12th – Health Care Careers, “Project Summary Report”, is to be registered at the Regional Fair when the students’ CEDAR project is registered.

Questions should be directed to John Justice at:
Call 606-477-3456