Instructional Planning Guides Directions

FORMAT: You are encouraged to alter this document when you need to expand your discussion and/or remarks to make your intentions clear. Only on-line submissions will be accepted.

The following questions must be answered in the INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING GUIDE FORM at:

UNIT GOAL: What is the specific focus of this Unit of Study about the Future of Work in Appalachia? Which of the seven SOAR Pillars will your Unit address?

UNIT TOPIC: Select one or more of the Topics listed on pages 3 & 4, or one of your own that will reasonably connect to one of the seven Pillars of the SOAR Blueprint as listed in the Program Prompt on page 1.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What do your students want to know about Future of Work in Appalachia?(Maximum of three) Make these thinking questions: What, How or Why?

List the current KY Academic Standards ( that will help students to answer each essential question. (List standard number and enough of the text to understand what the standard is about.)

The following two links provide clarification on KDE’s new language related to “Learning Goals and Success Criteria”:

  1. Learning Goals Checklist

  2. KDE Clarifying and Sharing Learning Goals and Success Criteria

List learning goals and success criteria that match each standard. This means that accomplishment of the, “learning goals and success criteria” will result in accomplishment of at least a portion of the standard.

List specifically how each target will be assessed (one assessment can assess more than one target, but it should be clear how each target is assessed). Assessments can be separate things or occur as activities, but you should state how you will use the activity or product from an activity to determine if students have achieved the target. Assessments show how the teacher will know students reached the goal.

List and give a brief description of activities that students will engage in during this Unit. Each activity should be traced directly back to the goal and should lead to success on the assessment.

List all supplies needed to complete each activity, and the cost of each for which you are requesting funding. All supplies should be traced back to the activities. It should be clear for which activities each requested supply will be used.